Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

it's My Graduate

yippii....finally, i'm graduate from my school. To other my friends,..i miss you all.

Cartoons Myspace Comments

a very happy day, but became a very sad day because I had to part with my friends are funny. and I must leave my position as a student. pleased indeed to hear we have passed and graduation is today. but when I see other people who wear school uniforms, sometimes I was jealous. a little story about my graduation day. I feel very sad, because my parents could not attend the moments that became my big day. although it's not like they are in college. but it's not a problem, because there is also a theme of mine whose parents can not attend. hahahahahggg. Our kinship.
Thank's to my friends to help me was today...

*Yoka Sitanggang *Ranika Pinem*Kim Eun Hye*Triskin Simanungkalit*
I Love You All So Much....Very Very Thank you..^^

Cartoons Myspace Comments Oh My GOd....!!! Cartoons Myspace Comments

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

I'm Pass

yeay, ... I'M PASS ...
Students who are named LHYRA DAVICHA SURBAKTI otherwise PASS 100%.
So glad my heart. if in thought, the moments of the announcementwas very tense. there are up to cry, suffer a heart attack, there arehandrails. in fact, I have never cried so follow-up nangis.tapi notwhat, the important thing I've stated PASS. yeay .... I'm so glad...^^.
especially when we stated PASS 100%, all jumping, crying,hugging and after that we went into the field and start our actions, namely DRAWING on our school clothes with PYLOX and sign ourschool clothes with markers. hahahgg, ... happy anyway. hahaggg...Congratulation Lhyra...^^ you're the best...^________^

Then my prayer:
thank God, because you have been with me during the nationalexam. and now I have graduated. presumably in the next test I canpass as well, and get into university and majors that I'm interested.thanks

Bye Myspace Comments

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Happy Birthday Myspace Comments

Let Sing a Song..^^
Birthday to me,]
Birthday to me,]
Birthday Lhyrasurbakti,]
[Happy Birthday
To me].

Yeay, ... today is my birthday the day of the 18th. It's a lot of my friends who congratulatedme. I am very happy at all, it proves that many people who love towards me. So glad it's on mybirthday this day, I get a positive response from my friends. one of them, throw me in with theeggs, flour, water, and others. ^ ^. on this 18th birthday, I hope something wonderful happens inmy life, and in this 18th birthday is also my hope to God to give adult nature, and wise in my life. Amien.

holla,..heute ist mein Geburtstag am Tag des 18.. Es ist eine Menge meiner Freunde, die mirgratuliert. Ich bin sehr glücklich bei allem beweist es, dass viele Menschen, die auf mich zu lieben. So froh, dass es an meinem Geburtstag heute, bekomme ich eine positive Reaktion vonmeinen Freunden. Einer von ihnen, werfen mich in den Eiern, Mehl, Wasser und andere. ^ ^. aufdieser 18. Geburtstag, ich hoffe, etwas Wunderbares passiert in meinem Leben, und in diesem18. Geburtstag ist auch meine Hoffnung zu Gott, dass Erwachsene die Natur zu geben und weisein meinem Leben. Amien.

Annyong-Haseyo, Mannaseo-ban Gappsamnida. Jeuneon Lhyra Surbakti-rago Haeyo. ^^
탁트인 곳에
, ... 오늘은 내 생일 18 날입니다. 그것은 나를 축하 친구들이 너무 많아. 전혀 행복 해요, 그것이 증명한다는 나를 향해 사랑하는 많은 사람들이. 그럼 오늘 생일 기뻐, 내 친구로부터 긍정적인 반응을 받으세요. 그들 중 한명, 계란, 밀가루, 물, 그리고 다른 사람과 함께 나를 던져. ^ ^. 18 번째 생일, 나는 뭔가 아름다운 내 인생에 어떤 일이 희망 18 번째 생일 어른 자연 얻을 수 있도록기도 나의 희망, 그리고 현명한 인생에 있습니다. 아멘.

Bye Myspace Comments
Dah,.Dah,..Hamsamnida [감사합니다], Danke

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

U-jian N-asional

------Ujian Nasional------

Tak terasa UN, bentar lagi...oh my GOD,...what can i do for me???
aduh,...pusinglah. belum UN, UMB, SPMB. bisa rontoklah Rambutku yang panjang ini.
hmmmh....Tak apalah. Pokoknya apapun yang terjadi aku harus tetap semangat. Apapun Rintangan yang ada didepan mata LHYRA DAVICHA SURBAKTI harus tetap semangat. Chayo..Chayoo..Chayooo....Semangat untuk mendapatkan Universitas yang di harapkan. jangan mau kalah sama semua kawan dan sepupu mu Lhyra. Belajar keras dan tetap berdoa yang keras. hahahah..^^. baiklah. Asasa Fighting.

기도 :
포기 하나님으로 손을 나중은 어떻게 될 것 전부입니다.
그리고 너의 이름을 나중에 것이 모든 노력의 결과입니다.
나는 당신이 나를위한 최고의 계획 내 삶, 가족아직 믿습니다.
분야약하다고 알고 있으므로 제가 수업 아버지가 제 두뇌능력에 따라 미래를 만들수있다는 뜻 마스터.
모든 것을 당신은 좋은아름다운 계획의 아버지믿습니다.
현명하고 지적인 결정을 내린다.

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Fun on B'day,...

Happy B'day 18th to My best Friend, Ranika. Wish You All The Best and Wish You To Be a Good Person. i hope a doll can make you smile every day, and can accompany in your sleep.
one sentence from your birthday. Blessed With increasing age, because to show how close you are with God, and how God loves you.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Back To Memories

Teringat akan masa lalu waktu perpisahaan Smp Di Smp Methodist-1 Medan. happy + Sad Moment

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Waka waka - Shakira by Triskin, Lhyra, Ranika

Cristmans of PP GKPI P.Bulan

Christmas yang meriah dan luar biasa banget apalagi dengan datangnya Ray Indonesian Idol. Apalagi mengingat perjuangan kami mulai dari bulan November sampai bulan Desember, kita latihan hampir tiap hari. kebersamaan banget, gak kenal lelah. sedih, ceria, marah, semua ada disitu. Kalau menurut aku pribadi saat-saat latihan kemaren membuat aku semakin suka ada di PP (Pemuda Pemudi) Pamen. Waktu udah selesai natal, jadi pingin latihan tiap hari mulu. kalau diingatkan kembali seneng banget deh. apalagi perjuangan kita yang selama ini gak sia-sia, soalnya aplause dari penonton bertubi tubi, belum lagi banyak yang bilang koor kami bagus banget. Pokoknya natal PP GKPI Medan yang Tgl 11 Desember kemaren HAU ZHE Bnaget lah. T.O.P B.G.T. meskipun ada satu yang bikin surpung alias kacau. Mic nya, aneh. hidup segan mati tak mau. tapi gak apalah, itu tidak mengurangi banyaknya penonton. Cayo dan semangat terus lah Buat Koor PP GKPI Medan.